Today is Colby's 3rd Birthday! We are so lucky to have him in our lives we love and adore him so much! He's (relatively) well-behaved and such a smart little guy. Here's a "3" update on him!
3 favorite foods- lucky charms, Macaroni & Cheese, and hot dogs
3 favorite shows- Super Why, Blue's Clues, Barney
3 biggest accomplishments- knows entire alphabet including sounds, almost potty trained, started pre-school!
3 things to accomplish in the next year- finish potty training, become a big brother, have more fun!
3 favorite ways to be naughty- hitting (ugh), irritating the cats, making messes
3 favorite past times- watching TV, wrestling with dad/uncles/papas, reading books
3 favorite colors- green, red, yellow ( I just asked. lol)
Happy Birthday Colby!
Oh my gosh! I can't believe he's 3 already! He's growing up so fast!