Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gratitude, Day 6

The word for today is:

This little figurine brings back a flood of memories. My first semester at college, away from home, I was broke and missing my family a lot. I went home pretty regularly, driving 3 hrs roundtrip to see everyone. Every time I would come down, my grandmother would practically empty her cupboards for me, so that I wouldn't starve while I was away. Then she would slip some cash in my pocket despite my protests. As it was nearing the holiday season, I was looking for the perfect Christmas present for her. I found a beautiful angel figurine that reminded me of her. It sort of looked like her Llardo's that she collected. It was on sale for $14.99, much more affordable than the $200-300 statues like hers. When I brought it to her, and she opened it, she smiled and gave me a great big hug. Next time I came over, it was in her beautiful display case, next to all the much pricier Llardos. It stayed there for 8 years until she passed away. She is much like the dove in this picture, about to spread her wings and fly away. I am so lucky that I got her for as long as I did. This year has been so hard, experiencing all the 'firsts' without her. First time I couldn't take my babies to her house to show off their costumes (and get their tootsie roll treats). First time I didn't get a birthday card saying "Love Grandma Johnson" with the year scribbled at the top. First time I didn't get to go over to her house in the summer and have a Frosty on the swing in the backyard. I guess what I'm saying, is: I'm grateful for Grandmas. Even when they leave us. I am so happy that my boys have such great Grandma's too, so that they can have happy and loving memories as well.

Love you Grandma.

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