Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Song

Way back when we were re-starting the depressing journey of Trying to Conceive another baby, I posted this in my private only-read-by-me journal.

Dibs. There, its declared.

This song is my TTC(trying to conceive) song:

I mean, really, its perfect. It talks of heartbreaks along the way. Its hopeful. Its indicates that although I don't have you yet, SOMEDAY I will. And its saying to your unborn child, I promise you this, that I'll give much more than I get. I promise to be the best mommy I can. I love you and I really look forward to your arrival. Doesn't get much better than that!

It got to the point that every time I heard it on the radio (which was ALL THE TIME) I would pause and think of trying to get pregnant and the little baby I was going to have from it.

And then, after we did get pregnant, I still loved the song. I'd rub my little belly and tell my unborn child that I was so looking forward to meeting them.

And then the heart thing... thats when it really hit hard. Here's a blog entry about that:

Way back when I mentioned a trying-to-conceive theme song, "Just haven't met you yet" by Michael Buble. Its still my guy's song, everytime I hear it I give my belly a nice rub and tell him how much I love him. But next time I really should listen to the lyrics, especially this one "And I know someday that it'll all turn out, you'll make me work so we can work to work it out, and I promise you kid, I'll give you so much more than I get, I just haven't met you yet..." I think next time I'll pick one that keeps mentioning how easy this love is. I'll do anything for my guy, but wow has this been hard!

Well during the day I keep the radio on so it seems less like its just me and a bunch of little kids. His song came on and so I scooped him up, and starting twirling and dancing with him. He of course loves our impromptu dance parties, and he kept throwing his head back and laughing hysterically. I set him down and he continued to dance with me, and I realize how very lucky I am. How some stories truly do have happy endings. That this little one yr old with the big grin and monster socks that I love to put on him because he roars like a monster when he seems them? One of my favorite blessings ever.

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