Colby (for the most part) is sweet and decently well-behaved. He's often quiet, which comes across as a model student. Well, I think Colby showed his true colors to his teacher Sandy last week. He freaks out occasionally when something doesn't go his way. He is stubborn (no idea where he got that...) and is always right, no matter what. Ok I know where he got that one ;)
As they were playing and getting treats, Colby slid down the slide. Instead of moving so that the other children may go down as well, he stops and sits there eating his cookie. The kids are starting to pile up behind him, wanting to go down. So Sandy in her sweet wonderful voice says "Colby sweetie can you move so the other children can go down?"
Colby, my dear sweet little boy, freaks out on her. He refuses to move, shouting "I. AM. EATING. MY. COOKIE!!!!"
Right now I am nodding my head, because this is how it usually goes.
But after school he and I had a talk. We talked about how we don't do that at school, how we need to be nice and not yell at our teachers. He wrote an apology letter to Sandy, asked how to spell the words. Here's the outside...

And the inside:

Certain things crack me up about this letter. After he wrote the words, I told him to draw a nice picture next to it. Just so she knows you still love her and everything. What did he draw?

I had to chuckle so hard. I would be sad too if I was holding a bone next to a 'snack attack' (what???) and a stack of wood. I'm not sure if this should be considered a threat?
Oh the joys of mothering a 4 yr old!
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