First we busted out the Pizza and drinks.

All the kids loved the blowers. This is Colby and Mattix, one of his good friends.

After food, we decided to test their superhero powers! After we gave them their magic superhero cape, they had to show super strength! This was such a heavy dumbbell! :)

Then we had to check their speed, to make sure they were faster than a speeding bullet! Here they are all lined up, ready to run!

Next we checked their fighting abilities. These were against their "bad guy balloons". Each kid had to hit or kick them shouting things like "Pow!" "Splat!" "Bam!" "Biff!" "Bang!" etc.

Craig was an awesome fighter!

After they proved their abilities, we set them loose on all the bad guys to destroy them. They sufficiently popped... er... destroyed all the bad guys.

Then they put their fighting abilities to the test, to destroy the pinata. Isn't that pinata pretty cool? Grant put a lot of time into that thing! LOL

Go Mason Go!

Present time! He loved them all! One of the children wanted to play "heavy heavy hang over" so Colby's head got whacked. All in good fun :)

Then we designed their own superheros. The kids were thrilled to discover that they stuck really well to the backdrop!

Cupcakes! Yum!

My little guy is almost four! Where has the time gone?!?!?!

Melissa wanting to get in on the superhero business! She makes a pretty cute one, don't you think?

My chill guy, enjoying his ice cream and cake!


Ok group shot!

Now fly!

Good job!

Superman fist!


All in all, he had a super birthday party, loved it all!

So awesome!!! I love it :)