The 'cup of hot cocoa" song. My child has been reciting this for weeks, and I had no idea what he's saying. Its good to hear in its entirety. He really was happy to be there, as was his buddy Mattix, and Ethan too.

Colby the snowman melts. It was so nice to see a cooperative kid. Apparently his teacher is better at getting him to participate than I am.

How stinkin cute is this pic? I love it!

His best buddy Mattix as a shepherd. Ok, its not my child, but he was just so cute!

And here's my little wiseman, entering stage left. Or is it stage right? I always forget. He was a wiseman with his friend Ethan Guadian. Its never just Ethan, he always says "Look! Its my friend Ethan Guadian!"

As I told my friend and fellow preschool mom, he totally looks like me when he's in a dress! :)

Saying goodbye to Mattix. What cute friends they are!

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