However, things don't always go as planned.
At 8 am, when Parker awoke, Daddy went to get him out of bed. He placed him on the changing table. Well, Parker hates getting his diaper changed! He always sits up (usually naked) and plays with the light switch. As he did this today though, he was too far away. He lunged and jumped for it, and instead fell off the changing table. He hit his head of the door frame and split his face open.

So instead of going to get breakfast, we got to make a detour to the local children's hospital. It was very ironic to be sitting in the hospital that he spent his first days in. I would much rather be in the E.R. getting a few stitches than visiting the Cardiac ICU to see my poor miserable newborn, though.
They gave him a drug that made him very loopy and carefree. I liken it to Baby Vicodin. As they had a needle right up on his eye, he kept giggling and smiling at the ladies holding him still. It was hilarious. But once it wore off, he was absolutely miserable. Hungry, in pain, and absolutely exhausted. So after a quick nap in the car, we finally made it to the Aquarium!
Once he saw fish, he perked right up, and loved every second of it!

These animals were so funny! They loved to swim back and forth right in front of Parker, they kept doing it over and over!

Although I'm thinking the shark thought Parker would make a yummy treat.

And he loved playing in the play area. He had the place to himself, and had a blast. Its fun to see him acting more like a kid instead of a baby!

Happy Birthday Parker!!!
ah, poor kiddo! That looks so sore!