My itty bitty Parker-bean turned one today! I must admit that its been an emotional time for me. I've been looking back on our year and it almost makes me cry. The past year has brought me more tears and more joy than I could possibly imagine. He has had surgeries, endured feeding tubes, been poked and prodded, and yet has come out of all of it an incredible, happy, healthy baby boy. I used to be so afraid for him, but I'm worrying less and less. He's super resilient and so strong. This little boy doesn't tolerate being pushed around. He sticks up for himself. But he's a lover, not a fighter. He offers the best snuggles I've ever had. He lights up a room just by being in it. He has the best giggles and the silliest expressions. Here's some of the biggest things I've witnessed over the past year.
1- he has HAIR! Not a lot, but he was so bald for so long!
2. I think he realizes that we're rooting for him to be a lefty, so he hasn't picked a hand yet. We watch so closely, but he does things completely evenly, once with his right hand and once with his left.
3- Although we weren't sure how things would play out, he is developmentally right on track. He's walking along furniture, saying a few words, loves to play pat-a-cake, points at everything... he's just absolutely perfect.
4- He is a people person. He loves to hang out with strangers and play with them.... until he sees Mommy. Then he races right to me and cuddles right up.
5. He's gone from the least picky eater in the world to the most picky eater. At 6 months he ate anything we gave him- green olives, salsa, lemons, all baby foods, fruits, veggies, anything we would give him. Now? He loves MEAT. And potatoes. And fruit. But nothing green shall ever enter his mouth. At all.
6. He loves liquid. Give him a full sippy cup and he'll drain it so quickly. But of course, he won't drink a full bottle.
7. We went to the dr today (post forthcoming) and got his weight. On his birthday, he weighs 17 lbs 6 oz fully dressed.
8. He hates stuffed animals. They are a waste of space. But give him Little People or cars and he's in heaven.
9. He's still not sleeping through the night. But he's only waking up once a night! This is huge, he's always been such a horrible sleeper.
10. He adores his big brother. They are often playing alone in Colby's room. When Parker wakes up, Colby runs in and talks and plays with him. They read, they pretend, they drive cars together... The cutest thing is when we go to get them out of the car and they're holding hands. Such awesome brothers!
11. He holds our hearts. He has our entire family wrapped around his little finger. There's always someone to hold him, kiss him, or play with him!
Thanks for sharing, Amy. Happy, Happy Birthday Parker! We wish you many, many more. What a gift you are.
What a cutie! I can't believe he is a year old already!!!