Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New blog, new post!

I have redesigned the blog from one of the boring templates... ya like? It took me all day to figure out how to do it! I know its kinda plain, I hope to add more onto it soon!

And here's a picture of Colbs and I from last week. We went to a mommy playdate, so they snagged a pic of us! It was quite funny, every time one of them would pass me on their way to the buffet, they'd say, "awww, he's such an adorable chunk." He was by the far the chubbiest baby there!

Hope everyone's having a good day!


  1. Love the template, I so don't get that whole process, you did good. Love the pic of you...too few and far between, we need more.

  2. Love the new layout! Adorable! and I don't think he's THAT chunky! He's adorable!!!
