My mom set me up by the couch, and I stood for a long time, and LAUGHED MY HEAD OFF. It was quite fun. :)
Did you know that I purposely waited for mommy to clean my face before I smiled, just to be a turd and ruin a priceless picture?
Did you know I went to visit my Aunt and cousins? Did you know that they absolutely adore me?
Did you know that my mom accidently cut a bit of flesh off my finger with nail clippers? Did you know I screamed off and on all day because of this? Did you know that I can't keep band-aids on my thumb? Did you know that mom's secretly hoping that I didn't swallow any? Did you know that I am really glad she didn't take a picture?
Did you know that my eyes really are this blue, always?
Colby has always had an obsession with mirrors. Its his favorite thing. He's also loved playing airplane for months. Mix them together with his favorite playmate (daddy) and this is the video I took. :)
This one is the first time he ever held onto a toy. I rocked him to sleep with a bottle, hence the white mouth formula-induced coma. But he laid there, just stroking the soft blankie.
The same night. He got cuddly with the blanket, so I snapped it.
This one makes my heart melt. There's the same lovey. I know you can't see his face, but he's in such a deep, peaceful slumber. You can even see the hint of fingers he's got delicately jammed into his mouth. And those arms, those legs, that wrinkly neck, so delicious!
Same photo op as a few posts ago, but this moment here, its... monumental. They finally recognized each other's existence. Of course, they're definitely not in love with each other yet. The cat's still pissed that the Colbster came along. But at least they're on the same couch cushion. Baby steps.
This one cracks me up. We're working on the Colbs sitting up. Obviously its not going so well. But I love the leaning forward, puppy-dog feetie pj's, and the serene expression on his face.
Ooh and this one. This one's very recent. I noticed it was rather quiet as I was posting. I peeked into the nursery where daddy was rocking the colbs to sleep. It looks the daddy rocked daddy to sleep too. So precious. Thanks for supporting my internet addiction honey. :)