His bed with his brand new quilt!

He hates socks. Any opportunity he has, he rips them off. When I get him out of his crib after naptime, he's usually barefoot, with little socks stuffed behind his crib or under his blankets.
He has once again found his love for food. He is eating meals again, after a food strike of about 5 months. Hopefully he'll eat enough to fatten him up a bit. He loves dips- ketchup especially. Most times he forgets the fry and just dips his finger instead.
He has 11 teeth now. Just one more molar! He's been so awful and cranky lately, I hate teething!
He LOVES bath time. This is bad news though, because he won't let anyone take a bath or shower without him trying to join them. He's also learned to crawl into the tub. You can see the problems that this presents!
He has recently discovered a love of books. Whenever its quiet, I know to peek into Colby's bedroom and he's sitting there flipping pages. Its just so sweet, I slowly back out so he doesn't even see me.
He is also such a talkative little boy. Well, comparatively, anyways. Colby never had much to say until he was about 2. Parker loves words. The words he knows- kitty, mama, daddy, ball, bear, bubble, more, bottle, yuck, yeah, Eh-bo (elmo), shoes, book, socks, jacket, up, and I'm sure others. He can also sign 'please'.
His other favorite mode of transportation is the butt-scoot. He wanders all around the house just scooting on his little bum.
He loves starfall, and when we're on our computers, he'll come and holler "ah" until we let him do the 'a' song.
He loves to climb. Onto and into everything. This is the part that really scares me. With his pacemaker, falling is a real danger. It could easily knock a lead loose. So of course, what does he do? Climb all day. Stairs used to be the scariest, because he doesn't know how to come back down. But now, everything is such a fun challenge for his small frame.
I think my favorite part about Parker, though, is his personality. He already has such a fun sense of humor. He loves to give kisses, and then wipe them off saying "yuck!" He loves to cuddle and hug, but he also loves to get on the ground and wrestle with Daddy. He is so happy, so head-strong, and so independent. And mostly, he's brave. There's not a lot that scares this little boy. He's courageous, and although it kills me sometimes, I really do love it. I pulled in Colby's old slide from the shed, and before I could shut the door behind me, this little boy had already climbed to the top, ready to go down.
I love this little boy, and I am so lucky to be his mama!