These are late being posted, and I'm sorry. On Christmas morning there was a storm that caused a power surge to go right to my hard drive, and fried it all. While we are in the lengthy and expensive process of recovering everything, I have not had the desire to post. However, one of the reassuring things throughout all this mess is that even if I do not recover a single picture off the hard drive, that I will have over a year's worth of pictures that I have posted on that blog. I am kicking myself for not posting more! Well, ok, I am kicking myself for a lot of things right now. Either way, here are some superly adorable pictures of this wintry season. :)
At first, he just wanted to cling to daddy. Daddy was not thrilled... he needed to shovel before it got dark!

So I carried him out to let him explore the high snowbanks... this cracks me up, its almost as tall as he is.

We got a few smiles out of him...

Until he fell. Then we got a few yells.

But overall it was fun. We learned that he dislikes snow just like mommy. :)
I'm so sorry about your pictures! That is the worst :(