He's always wanting to wear my shoes. He truly thinks that by putting them on, he is the mom.
He has the cutest mispronounciations- he wipes his face with a "Mapkin" and likes to eat "Buggle-gum"
He bursts into the most random songs and chants. His recent favorites are the hymn 'Praise to the Man', song "Bugglegum Bugglegum in a dish" and "When two vowels go walkin, the first one does the talkin'.
He doesn't want to clean his room. When I threatened to throw his toys away, he helped me put them in the garbage bag.
He's in to superheroes right now. Except, they're all either Superman (Se-po Man!) or Spiderman.
He uses his spiderman abilities to climb walls and open my car door. I am not a fan of this.
He makes Parker fall into hysterical laughter with his bird impression.
My son is WEIRD!
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