Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Son Watches Too Much TV

Well, it seems like that, anyways. I only let him watch one 30 min show a day, but he's always begging for more. He's obsessed with characters. He's obsessed with BEING characters. His favorite to pretend to be is Superman, although I don't think he's ever watched it before. But a common saying in our house is "Colby, stop flying!" as he's jumping from the couch to the floor. Lately he's been meshing characters, so he can be more than one at a time.

The first was frog (from word world) and Dora (because Grandma M bought him a backpack)


One that had me giggling, he was being his typical Superman while pretending to ride his broom being a Witch


"Hey, mom, I'm Superman Witch!!!"

say it to yourself....

Super Man Witch







(this is what I picture...)


Well, yesterday we were talking about our full names, in case he ever gets lost. So I asked what his full name was.

He told me it was

"Colby Grant Smith Superman Mother (from Tangled) Flashlight Dinosaur!"

... uh... what?

Apparently my son is part himself, part superhero, part feminine villian, part inaminate object, and part extinct reptile.

Huh. I wonder which he gets from his father.

(I got in trouble for that last statement. LOL)

I really hope that he never gets lost now, because what kind of poster would that be???


Oh the imagination of a 3 year old!