I just thought I'd take this opportunity to update about Colby's overall progress, since I've been such a slacker lately!
Colby is now almost 31 months.
He is talking up a storm, and we can understand him a little more than half the time.
He has recently been introduced to Toy Story, and loves it! He runs around the house shouting "Buzz to the rescue!"
He knows all his letters (uppercase) and much to my surprise, can identify them upside-down, turned, etc
He can count to eleven.
He knows all the basic shapes, with some random ones thrown in there (octagon, for example)
The kid refuses to learn his colors.
He has used the bathroom exactly five times, all without entirely intending to. We're still pretty far away from potty training.
He rarely takes baths anymore, he much prefers showers.
He's still pretty shy, except around animals. He loves petting and feeding horses.
He loves TV, and will watch ANYTHING.
He will never sleep in our bed. Even when he's sick, hurting, or sad, he still sees it as a plaything.
He is pretty capable of running Daddy's puter, and does things to it that even Grant is stumped about.
He loves to brush his teeth. He'll slyly go get his toothbrush and brush without us knowing.
He has a unquenchable desire to wash his hands 24/7.
He has decided he hates taking the time to eat. We have to trick him into his booster seat every time.
He's picking up on random sports at his babysitter's house, he loves soccer and basketball, and recently learned to hit a ball with a bat. I was shocked!
And the kid backtalks without saying a word. Drives me nuts.
Overall though, we just love him to pieces. He's got such a cute personality, a sweet disposition, and he really is such a well-behaved child. I'm glad he's mine. :)
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