The Easter Bunny came!!! Where's Colby, with his happy smiles and excited laugh???
Oh you mean this ray of sunshine? I'd like to introduce you to my 2 yr old teenager, Mr Grump. Easter Bunny can wait, apparently.

In an effort to pull him out of bed, we turn on the lights and leave his Easter basket in there, hoping he'll get the idea. Ten minutes later I walked in on this dude.

Finally I persuaded this guy out with the promise of candy, money, and maybe some Blue's Clues. I love this age- they'll believe anything!

Colby's no stranger to Easter egg hunts, this is his third this yr already.

I think this is right where he realized there was money in those eggs. There's that smile I'm looking for.
Oh my. He is too cute. Every time I see photos I want to just squeeze him.