I know this is late... its much later than it should be. You really should fire the writer of this blog!
We had a grand ol' time for the 4th. Its true, every holiday is so much more fun with kids! If it was just the adults, we would've stayed home and cleaned... out of sheer boredom. Instead, we got ready and went to a parade! It was super fun, too! I can't wait to show you the pics! .... But I have to. I forgot my camera, so I have to get them off my friend's when she gets back in to town! So wait til a later date!
After the parade, we went to grandma's for a pool party slash barbeque!

Then we had fireworks in the front yard! Colby was enthralled with the sparklers, and kept trying to reach for them. However, the bigger fireworks scared him, and he clung to me and eventually grandma. This is ironic, the huge
fireworks last week didn't even phase him, but a couple of fountains pushed him over the edge!

This is his scared oh-crap what are they doing??? face. Seconds afterwards, he buried his face into me.