Dear Colby,
This past week you turned six months old!

That is so exciting, but so overwhelming at the same time. Everyone says that babies grow so quickly, but I never guessed you would. You are quite the chunk still! You are getting heavy! Last week we took you out with your friend James, who is 10 months older than you, and somebody thought you two were twins! It was embarassing and funny all at the same time.

I keep telling you that if you can guarantee that all your siblings will turn out exactly like you, than I'd have 50 kids. Never have I seen a better behaved baby. You like to sit on mommy's lap and cuddle with her. You smile all the time. You fall asleep right when we put you to bed, and stay there the entire night! You won't understand the beauty of this until you have a baby, but it makes your mommy and daddy so proud!

Your daddy is your best friend. He always makes you laugh hysterically. Every time you see him, you get a huge grin on your face. You know he's your daddy and you love to play! I love to see the bond you share, and I can't wait to see that grow. I can't wait until he teaches you to take your first steps, to ride your bike, or mow the lawn. And I'm not just saying that because I want the lawn mowed more often. Or because I'm all for child labor. :) It'll be precious, I tell you!

Really Colby, thanks for the cuddles, the loves, and the laughter. Mama and daddy love you.

Love, Mama