(shown throwing it)
So, sometimes kids surprise you in the most bizarre ways.
As a halfway decent parent, I'm trying to get my son to be polite. And him being a kid, he's fighting it at all times. So I sat down with him and a packet of fruit snacks. I pulled one out, and as he lunged for it I said "say please!" He squirms, grabs the snack, and devours it. I was getting frustrated after about 6 fruit snack grabs, until I realized something. The little turkey WAS saying please.... in sign language.
Where in the world did he learn sign language??!?!?!
We called our babysitter and confirmed that it was in fact her. She would just do it around her kids, and Colbs picked it up.
Here's a video of please and thank you.
He also knows 'more,' but apparently shouting out "mo!" is more effective with grandma. :)