Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bittersweet Anniversaries

Today marks 3 years from the time they wheeled my newborn down to surgery. They saved my son's life and gave him a chance at being a happy normal little guy. I am SO thrilled that they did, but I always mourn the 'normal' that was robbed from him. For his 3rd birthday we gave him his first medical ID, which he hated and promptly destroyed. How he hates those pacer checks, he usually has to be placated with his favorite show and a sucker so that he'll stop sobbing and we can get a clear read. Of course, I would willingly do anything to keep my little guy here. So am I grateful for Dec 10? Yes, yes I am. Here's a pic of him fresh out of surgery-

My local heart mom group did a fundraiser at a high school. As a thank you for the money raised, they're doing a video of heart kiddos. They asked for kids to say certain phrases that they'll splice together. I have to share the ones I took of Parker. I swear they are more of a blooper reel than anything else! But it was good for a giggle and it makes me so proud of my little guy!


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